The Art Cars Are Coming! The Art Cars Are Coming!

        Mishell Karma Ghia (artist: Kathy Kathaman)

Yippee! Art Car Weekend is almost here! It's one of the few many things that makes Houston a tolerable place to live. (sort of an antidote to the crippling traffic, endless strip centers and paralyzing heat). 
BC (before children), I found my social niche in the activities of the Orange Show Foundation. I was recently divorced and had just" run home to Momma" after an 11 year stint in the bourbon soaked frat-rat society that was (not you Charlsie!) Lynchburg, Virginia. I started to volunteer with the Orange Show and found my spiritual home with the skaters and artists that celebrate folk art of all kinds. Eventually (since I am more of an organizer than an artist), I chaired two Art Car Balls - serious fun in a downtown parking garage!  (I wish I had a picture of my red rubber dress.)
Anyway - now that I am a middle-aged fart with kids mom, my Art Car experience is simply a bike ride down to the Parade, which takes place in downtown Houston every May. Last year, there were close to 300 (!)  entries - so it's the Biggest Art Car Celebration Anywhere! (everything is bigger in Texas!) 

Here are some of my favorites:

The FruitMobile! One of Houston's first Art Cars. (artist: Jackie Harris)
The Stink Bug - classic VW bug covered in cigarette butts - beautiful! (artist: Carolyn Stapleton)
FinnJett- Wow - now that's a LOT of welding. (artist: Antti Rahko)
DeKuntry Pedlur - OK Then!  Do you think they are huge fans of the Clampetts?  (artists: Rich and Pam Molden)
I love the Yarn Car! (artist: Tim Klein) 
And how can you resist the Peeps Car? (artist: unknown to me..)

The Star Car! (artist: unknown to me)

And the FABULOUS!! Fandango - The Little Ol Car From Texas (artist: Rebecca Bass and Waltrip Highschool Students) Check out the ZZ Top beards....

Anyone want to join us this Saturday at 1:00?


Anonymous said…
I've seen the art car exhibit in Fort's awesome
Tim Klein said…
The Yarn Car told me it loves you too! Thanks for the tip-o-the-hat! I'm in parade slot #74 this year... stop by and say howdy!

LIghtKeeper said…
Thanks, Chica! I love the setting up as much as the parade: rolling thru the cars, costumes, music ... so much wild creativity - it's hilarious. I'll dig out the rollerblades and see you on the road!
Nicole said…
Thanks for reminding me about this!!!!

I'm hoping to get down there with the fam at some point...maybe not until the celebration after the parade though! =)
Barbara said…
Houston at its finest. We will miss the Art Car Parade. Thanks for the great photos. Happy Mother's Day, too.

Barbara and the boys

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