While on the Subject of the Rolling Stones

What does "she comes in colors everywhere" mean exactly?


Oh my. Why is so much fun so bad for us? Sighing. . . and I know of what I speak, sadly.
Bonnie said…
But it makes you smile doesn't it?
Mrs. G. said…
I have some theories, but I'm not sure they would be appropriate for the comments section. I'll be thinking about this all day.
JessTrev said…
ah, so glad you stopped on by. vonnegut, mary oliver, bad boy rockstars, mn matron *and* mrs g? color me interested, i'll be back.
Melanie said…
I'm pretty sure it's dirty. Or possibly having to do with Macs.
sophia maria said…
I always thought it had something to do with halucenagenic drugs... it was that time you know!

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